Saturday, April 10, 2010

Two Wines...Sort Of

Seriously, though...I just wouldn't be me if I didn't imbibe every once in a while. So, I shall return periodically (maybe weekly) with cocktail recipes.

In the meantime, I am going to post about two wines that I've tried over the past couple weeks. I am not even certain that I would classify one of the two as "wine", but more about that in a minute.

Beso de Vino Macabeo

After a long day at work, I decided to stop at Whole Foods to purchase the fixings for one of my favorite meals: French bread, Brie, smoked salmon, and wine. I decided to try Beso de Vino Macabeo, since I was looking for a white I had never tried before.

This wine, as I explained to a friend, tastes like someone served themselves a glass of Chardonnay on the rocks (sacrilege), set it in the sun, forgot about it, let the ice melt, found it, re-chilled it, and consumed it. It was a waste of $11 and a waste of grapes. Needless to say, I shan't purchase it again.

Olde Savannah Sweet Tea

I was passing the time in World Market one day last week and (silly me) thought that I was going to exit without making a purchase. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a display of wines beside a sign that read, "Just in time for summer!". Since it was 80 degrees that day and I had a touch of spring fever and I LOVE wine, I moseyed on over to see what the day-glo sign was all about. The $5.99 price tag should have been ample warning that I had stumbled upon something that I should have just left alone, but I've had decent inexpensive wines before (read: Trader Joe's Two Buck Chuck), so I grabbed a bottle, paid for it, and brought it home.

Since I'm an Internet addict, I Googled the wine and discovered it's relatively new and World Market is one of the only purveyors. The online reviews were decidedly consistent...they all concluded that the wine is utter garbage. Some folks said it was too strong, some folks said the bouquet was overpowering but, since I'm not a fan of wimpy wines, I thought they were just being punks and didn't have the heart to stand up to a full-bodied wine. So, I waited a couple days, chilled the wine, and decided to sample it.  The reviews were pretty accurate...the wine tastes like perfume, bourbon, and sugar. Now, I have never HAD that combination but I am fairly certain that, if I had, it would have tasted like Olde Savannah Sweet Tea. Save your $6.00 and get two bottles of Two Buck Chuck (because it's now three dollars).

1 comment:

  1. Regarding the Beso de Vino Macabeo, something really bad has to happen to that bottle. I just found out that it scored 88 points Wine Adovcate, the highest score at that retail price. I personally tried the red and white and though they were pretty decent. The red got 90 points Wine Advocate, the only one from Spain at the price.
