Sunday, April 11, 2010


I see myself becoming as enamored with my blender as I am with my slow cooker.  I am on a total smoothie kick.  I had one for lunch yesterday, but didn't post a picture because it was sorta ugly.  Vanilla soy protein powder, soy milk, frozen mangoes, and strawberries do not a pretty picture make.  Ugly beige color notwithstanding, it was quite tasty.

Today's breakfast smoothie was a little more visually appealing, so I took a pic.  It was quite simple: orange/mango/peach juice, one banana, four strawberries, and a few cubes of ice.  I purchased a bag of spinach thinking I'd slip in a handful but, upon arriving home from the store, I realized that my spinach was slimy and smelled funny.  Oh, time.

Banana Strawberry Smoothie

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