Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rue 33 Vodka

When I saw this vodka in Sam's, I was a little impressed by the pretty (and large) bottle for only $29.99.  Then, I thought, "Wait...this is Sam's Club's store brand vodka. I can't really be thinking about buying this when the Ketel One is an arm's reach away." Then, I thought, "You can't judge vodka by the price". Then, I thought, "Rue 33 means 33rd Street...was this manufactured in Chicago's Little Village?"  Then I thought, "Stop being a label whore and try it...you might be pleasantly surprised." So, I bought it.
Since I am not only a label whore, but a nerd, I went home and Googled the stuff.  I discovered that it had been released just ten days ago, so I felt a little proud at being so cutting-edge on the liquor front, even if I was drinking cheap booze. Turns out, the stuff got a score of 91 (an "exceptional" rating) from the International Review of Spirits and was described thusly: Clear. Delicate aromas of powdered sugar, creamy meringue, white nut and peppery spice follow through on a supple, round entry to a dryish medium body with soft weight and a hint of stone fruit flesh and anise seed. Finishes with a warming, lingering talc, mint tea, and pepper fade. A zesty, nuanced vodka that will excel in artisan cocktails.

I tried a little chilled and up and thought, THIS STUFF IS GOOD!!!  So, I made myself a Madras and called it a night. Two thumbs up for Rue 33!

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