Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vanilla Steamer

Back in college and graduate school, before I became a raging caffeine addict, I used to drink these flavored steamed milk beverages at the Cambridge coffee shops. I was inspired by the fact that I had a half gallon of milk whose expiration date was looming frighteningly near.

Vanilla Steamer
1 mug 2% milk
10 drops pure vanilla extract
Sugar (to taste)
I warmed the milk, sugar, and vanilla on the stove while whisking constantly, but I would imagine one could warm it in the microwave as well. I am sure this would have been WONDERFUL if I had used a fresh vanilla bean, but I didn't have any.  Also, had I not been heading to work, I might have added a shot or two of my Godiva White Chocolate Liqueur. (Now THAT would make a fine bedtime cocktail...I'd sleep like a log!)

Use What You've Got: Grown-Up Tuna Noodle Casserole

In the interest of sticking to a budget, I am trying to go to the supermarket only when really necessary. My freezers, cabinets, and refrigerator are full of food, so I am making as many meals as possible from what's already in the apartment.

I had most of the ingredients for a tuna casserole for today's lunch, with the exception of peas.  So, I substituted broccoli for peas, penne for egg noddles, added a little white wine, a lot of crushed red pepper and ground white pepper, and made a grown up version of the children's favorite. Instead of topping it with bread crumbs (which I really don't like because they ALWAYS taste stale to me), I used a layer of Monterey Jack cheese and browned it under the broiler. (Excuse the cake cute baking dish is being held hostage by a "friend").

Homemade Pizzas

Since I cannot find a decent thin crust pizza in Chicago (with the exception of Italian Fiesta, which comes close), I must make my own. I gave a nod to Chicago with the sausage and cheese variety, then I decided to pretend I was on some tropical isle with my Hawaiian pizza (pineapple, ham, jalapeno, and fresh garlic).  The dough was pre-made, as was the sauce (so, kill me). They turned out fantastic!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Old Eggs (and not the ones in my ovaries)

I looked at my egg carton and realized that the expiration date is quickly approaching, so I baked a Spinach, Ham, and Cheese quiche and a lovely Banana Pudding.

I don't much care for banana pudding made with instant pudding, so I made homemade custard and topped it with meringue, then browned the whole thing in the oven.

My quiche was adapted from a Paula Deen recipe. Paula, being Paula, called for a pound of bacon and 1 1/2 cups of heavy cream. I decided to use about 1/2 pound of ham and 1 1/2 cups of milk. It was quite tasty! My only complaint was that by the time the middle set, the top had turned a little browner than I would have liked. I couldn't get any really good pictures...this was the best one.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Rue 33 Vodka

When I saw this vodka in Sam's, I was a little impressed by the pretty (and large) bottle for only $29.99.  Then, I thought, "Wait...this is Sam's Club's store brand vodka. I can't really be thinking about buying this when the Ketel One is an arm's reach away." Then, I thought, "You can't judge vodka by the price". Then, I thought, "Rue 33 means 33rd Street...was this manufactured in Chicago's Little Village?"  Then I thought, "Stop being a label whore and try might be pleasantly surprised." So, I bought it.
Since I am not only a label whore, but a nerd, I went home and Googled the stuff.  I discovered that it had been released just ten days ago, so I felt a little proud at being so cutting-edge on the liquor front, even if I was drinking cheap booze. Turns out, the stuff got a score of 91 (an "exceptional" rating) from the International Review of Spirits and was described thusly: Clear. Delicate aromas of powdered sugar, creamy meringue, white nut and peppery spice follow through on a supple, round entry to a dryish medium body with soft weight and a hint of stone fruit flesh and anise seed. Finishes with a warming, lingering talc, mint tea, and pepper fade. A zesty, nuanced vodka that will excel in artisan cocktails.

I tried a little chilled and up and thought, THIS STUFF IS GOOD!!!  So, I made myself a Madras and called it a night. Two thumbs up for Rue 33!

Menage a Dancing Bull (AKA "I would die before I waste a drop of wine")

So...I had about three or four ounces of my favorite Menage a Trois white and half bottle of Dancing Bull Zinfandel that I opened before I left town last week. Drinking three ounces of wine would just make me frustrated and drinking old red wine would just make me mad, so for the sake of my mental health....I consolidated.  The results were actually pretty good.