Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Artichokes and Tomatoes in Wine Sauce

I decided to have a "last supper" before my six week challenge begins tomorrow. So...I foraged through my fridge and cabinets and realized that I've done such a good job purging my home of junk that I had nothing unhealthy to cook! As a result, my last meal before my hardcore six week challenge is woefully good for me (but for the half cup of wine I simmered my veggies in): artichoke hearts, grape tomatoes, and capers simmered in white wine and garlic and served over whole wheat spaghetti.  I chased with unsweetened iced green tea, though I am toying with the idea of having a farewell glass of wine before bed.
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Artichoke & Tomatoes in Wine Sauce
1 6oz jar artichoke hearts
2 Tbs capers
Approx. 20 grape tomatoes, halved lengthwise
1/2 c white wine ( I used Toasted Head Chardonnay)
1 Tbs crushed garlic
Crushed red pepper and salt to taste

I sauteed the garlic in a weeeee bit of olive oil, added the tomatoes, artichoke hearts, and capers and let it simmer for about five minutes. Then, I added the wine, salt, and crushed red pepper and let it all simmer with the lid on for another five minutes. To thicken the sauce a bit, I removed the lid and let it cook on low for about four or five minutes. Then, I tossed my drained pasta in it and enjoyed it...

I swear by Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Grain Spaghetti. It's got 7 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber per serving. As it's been about a month since I've eaten meat, I appreciate any source of veggie protein. It's got a shitload of carbs (41 grams), but I just tell myself it's the "good" kind and keep it moving. DON'T BE FOOLED! Ronzoni makes a "whole wheat blend" pasta and a "whole grain" pasta. The whole wheat blend is mixed with processed wheat flour.
This recipe made two servings. I will pack the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.

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