Saturday, May 22, 2010

Veggie Delights!

I cannot recall the last time I cooked's been about two months, I think. Since meat used to comprise the centerpiece of my meals, this veggie cooking thing has been a challenge. I'm experimenting with things I've never cooked before (see seitan post below). I've grilled tofu (a time I will use a nonstick pan), developed an affinity toward smoothies and soy protein powder, and experimented with soups that contain a mishmash of leftover veggie-type products.  I am totally amazed at how quickly meals come together without meat. Here are a few things I have concocted over the past couple weeks:

Avocado, Tomato, and Feta Salad with Soy Ginger Vinaigrette
This is pretty basic. The name of the salad basically tells you everything that's in it.

Thai Broccoli with Caramelized Onions
I caramelized a sliced onion in a little garlic and oil, added two heads of broccoli, and a couple of tablespoons of chili paste. It made me sweat a little, but it was mighty tasty! To take off some of the burn, I drank one of these:

Frozen Sangria
I can't remember what kind of red wine I used...I think it was a Shiraz. I threw in a couple of handsful of frozen strawberries and pineapples and gave it a whirl in the blender. A nice, refreshing drink but I still much prefer my wine unadulterated.

I didn't make this little beauty, but I will do so one day this summer. I had this fried eggplant, tomato, and mozzarella tower at our culinary school's showcase a couple weeks ago. The students worked magic that night!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Me, Usher, and Our Confessions

I fell off the wagon three times this week. I ate some bbq rib tibs on Friday night and I had a Vietnamese Iced Coffee with lunch yesterday and two chicken wings for dinner last night.  Oh, damn the weekend! I tried really hard (and quite successfully) to not think about how bad the ribs and chicken were for me. Go, meat!

I am back on the straight and narrow now. (Until next Friday).

Tikka Masala with Brown Rice

I love, love, love Indian food and I love that Whole Foods has made it so quick and accessible. I am very particular about eating prepared foods, but I have to give praise where praise is due. I saw this Seeds of Change Tikka Masala Simmer Sauce and decided to give it a try.
I am generally suspicious of jarred and canned products, but I was in the midst of a hectic workweek and needed some quick dinner options.  This stuff was GREAT! I added a little extra cayenne pepper and crushed garlic and let it simmer in a saucepan for a few minutes, then served it over brown rice (the picture below isn't very pretty...I didn't even bother wipe off the sauce splatters from the plate).
I then poured myself a glass of chilled Capucine white and dinner was served.  It was surprisingly good and I highly recommend this little jarred convenience item.
No one needs to know that I only bought this wine because I liked the label...